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About Us

Peace Farm is nestled on a southern mountain slope in an area known as the Palouse in North Idaho. The farm is well established with an orchard and organic garden, richly composted from the farm animals who have lived here throughout the years. Living here has been a dream. As I’ve cleared the land and built out my chicken coops, pastures and gardens over the years, my goals of sharing all this with others has come into clearer focus.

Along with my goals to share what I’ve learned and what I produce, I also want to be kind and gentle to the land and the animals that inhabit the forests that surround me. Last year I planted about 100 Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, Tamarack, and wild apple trees. I built a larger and more secure chicken pen to keep the chickens safe from predators and began harvesting seeds of all kinds and seedlings to share. I became NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Program) certified to sell hatching eggs and chicks, and found new ways to preserve my garden produce to become more self-sustainable.

My greatest joy comes from meeting those who visit Peace Farm and watching the amazing nature that surrounds me. I hope you come back to visit often as I share my trials and triumphs, creativity and, yes, even my failures (which have been numerous)!

Horses have always been a passion of mine, so in 2007 I wrote a book about the Appaloosa breed, then subsequently wrote a book of true stories on how horses saved the lives of several people. These stories are told in the voice of the storytellers and are such a testament to the therapeutic abilities of horses. Read about my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cheryl-Dudley/e/B001JP7LNO/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1